Molecular Engineering and Liquid Thermal (MELT) Laboratory

"Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual.

If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me"

                                                                                        ― A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Course evaluation ratings for Dr. Yesudasan

SPRING 2024 

FALL 2023 

Photos from Mechanical Engineering Analysis course SPRING 2024

Selected photos from Instrumentation Lab course FALL 2023

Current Course Assignments

1) MECH 2215 - Instrumentation Laboratory (FALL)

Laboratory experiments introducing equipment and techniques used to measure force, static displacement, dynamic motion, stress, strain, fluid flow, pressure, and temperature. Computerized data acquisition, calibration, and statistical analysis of data uncertainty. 2 credits.

2) MECH 6602 - Mechanical Engineering Analysis (SPRING)

Topics include the study of ordinary and partial differential equations and their applications to mechanical engineering.  Laplace transforms.  Fourier analysis.  Vector calculus.  Complex variables.  Use of contemporary software to complement and facilitate the analysis. 3 credits.

3) MECH 6680 - Mechanical Engineering Seminar (FALL/SPRING)

Weekly discussions of current topics in mechanical engineering and professional skills development.